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Just Released: 2018 OTA/AO Fracture & Dislocation Compendium
Анонсы конференций, журналов и др. Прислано Orthopaedic Trauma Association 22 Декабрь 2017, 01:26
Dear Colleagues:

We would like to introduce you to the 2018 OTA/AO (or AO/OTA) Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium.
This is the second revision of the compendium which was first published in 1996 as a cooperative effort of the AO Foundation and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA). Both organizations were committed to assuring that there was a standardized and rational methodology of describing fractures and dislocation as well as a mechanism to code data for future recall. These principles were absolutely necessary to establish a consistent system for clinical interaction and research.

 After 20 years of use, the current revision addresses the many suggestions to help improve the application of the system, correct errors, and add new classifications. The process was under the direction of a committee of four individuals representing both organizations, with experience in the day to day application of the compendium and fracture coding. The process was supervised and funded by the Classification Committee of the OTA and AOTrauma International Board (AOTIB). An ongoing agreement between both organizations to assure the ongoing collaborative support of the revision process of the compendium was also developed. Importantly, copyright will remain with both organizations so that its reproduction and promulgation will be unencumbered. This establishes not only mutual ownership but also responsibility and ensures continued collaboration and support.

We believe that this is an important step forward in the process of clinical research as well as standardizing day to day clinical communication. However, change is inevitable and both the OTA and the AOTIB encourage comment and criticisms so that the next revision process can continue to improve the compendium.

John H. Wilber MD
Chairman, AOTrauma International Board
Professor and Chair Department of Orthopaedic Surgery MetroHealth Medical Center

Hansjoerg Wyss
Professor Orthopaedic Trauma Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio

William M. Ricci MD
President, Orthopaedic Trauma Association
Chief, Combined HSS/NYP Trauma Service Hospital for Special Surgery
New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY

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