[Ortho] Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery: Alert 24 February-2 March

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New articles in Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery available on 

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*  Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
    New Articles in Press, 24 February-2 March 2014


1) Reliability of the posterolateral corner of the acromion as a 
landmark for the posterior arthroscopic portal of the shoulder
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Trifon Totlis, Konstantinos Natsis, Panteleimon Pantelidis, George 
Paraskevas, Michael Iosifidis, Anastasios Kyriakidis

2) Application of the fulcrum axis to estimate the central scapular axis
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Sang V. Le, Conrad Bryan, Thomas W. Wright

3) A glenoid reaming study: how accurate are current reaming techniques?
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Anne Karelse, Steven Leuridan, Alexander Van Tongel, Iwein M. Piepers, 
Philippe Debeer, Lieven F. De Wilde

4) The functional impact of bilateral reverse total shoulder arthroplasty
Original Research Article,
Available online 26 February 2014
Christopher G. Stevens, Aimee M. Struk, Thomas W. Wright

5) Use of three-dimensional fluoroscopy to determine intra-articular 
screw penetration in proximal humeral fracture model
Original Research Article,
Available online 26 February 2014
Yoram A. Weil, Shaul Beyth, Asala Abu-Ahmad, Amal Khoury, Meir 
Liebergall, Ori Safran

6) Comparison of two different measurement methods to determine glenoid 
bone defects: area or width?
Original Research Article,
Available online 25 February 2014
Egemen Altan, Mehmet Ugur Ozbaydar, Murat Tonbul, Levent Yalcin

7) Patient adherence with postoperative restrictions after rotator cuff 
Original Research Article,
Available online 24 February 2014
Luz M. Silverio, Emilie V. Cheung

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