[Ortho] The Knee: Alert 24 February-2 March

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New articles in The Knee available on ScienceDirect

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*  The Knee
    New Articles in Press, 24 February-2 March 2014


1) Does increasing step width alter knee biomechanics in medial 
compartment knee osteoarthritis patients during stair descent?
Original Research Article,
Available online 1 March 2014
Max R. Paquette, Songning Zhang, Clare E. Milner, Gary Klipple

2) Change of the Tunnel Configuration in the Non-Anatomic Trans-Tibial 
Double Bundle ACL Reconstruction
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Yong Seuk Lee, Won Seok Oh, Dong-Il Chun

3) Biomechanical effectiveness of a distraction-rotation knee brace in 
medial knee osteoarthritis: Preliminary results
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Davy Laroche, Claire Morisset, Clementine Fortunet, Vincent Gremeaux, 
Jean-Francis Maillefert, Paul Ornetti

4) Influence of the posterior tibial slope on the flexion gap in total 
knee arthroplasty
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 February 2014
Ken Okazaki, Yasutaka Tashiro, Hideki Mizu-uchi, Satoshi Hamai, Toshio 
Doi, Yukihide Iwamoto

5) Internal derangement of the knee in fibular hemimelia: radiographic 
and MRI findings
Original Research Article,
Available online 27 February 2014
Philip Yoong, Ramy Mansour

6) Intra-operative and short term outcome of total knee arthroplasty in 
morbidly obese patients
Original Research Article,
Available online 26 February 2014
R.J. Napier, S. O’Brien, D. Bennett, E. Doran, A. Sykes, J. Murray, D.E. 

7) Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty 11 years experience from 3929 
implants in RIPO Register
Original Research Article,
Available online 24 February 2014
Barbara Bordini, Susanna Stea, Stefano Falcioni, Cristina Ancarani, Aldo 

8) Comparison of second-look arthroscopic findings and clinical results 
according to amount of preserved remnant in anterior cruciate ligament 
Original Research Article,
Available online 24 February 2014
Min Kyu Kim, Sung Rak Lee, Jeong Ku Ha, Ho Jong Ra, Sang Bum Kim, Jin 
Goo Kim

9) A randomized double-blind clinical trial on the treatment of knee 
osteoarthritis: The efficacy of polynucleotides compared to standard 
hyaluronan viscosupplementation
Original Research Article,
Available online 24 February 2014
Laura S. Giarratana, Bruno M. Marelli, Calogero Crapanzano, Silvia E. De 
Martinis, Luca Gala, Marcello Ferraro, Niccolò Marelli, Walter Albisetti

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