[Ortho] Bone: Alert 28 February-6 March

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Пт Мар 7 08:42:19 YEKT 2014

New articles in Bone available on ScienceDirect

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*  Bone
    New Articles in Press, 28 February-6 March 2014


1) Mortality following the first hip fracture in Norwegian women and men 
1999–2008. A NOREPOS study
Original Research Article,
Available online 5 March 2014
Tone K. Omsland, Nina Emaus, Grethe S. Tell, Jeanette H. Magnus, Luai 
Awad Ahmed, Kristin Holvik, Jacqueline Center, Siri Forsmo, Clara G. 
Gjesdal, Berit Schei, Peter Vestergaard, John A. Eisman, Jan A. Falch, 
Aage Tverdal, Anne Johanne Søgaard, Haakon E. Meyer

2) Consequences of irradiation on bone and marrow phenotypes, and its 
relation to disruption of hematopoietic precursors
Review Article,
Available online 5 March 2014
Danielle E. Green, Clinton T. Rubin

3) Is GSN Significant for Hip BMD in Female Caucasians?
Original Research Article,
Available online 4 March 2014
Fei-Yan Deng, Wei Zhu, Yong Zeng, Ji-Gang Zhang, Na Yu, Yao-Zhong Liu, 
Yong-Jun Liu, Qing Tian, Hong-Wen Deng

4) Effects of lead and cadmium co-exposure on bone mineral density in a 
Chinese population
Original Research Article,
Available online 4 March 2014
Xiao Chen, Keyue Wang, Zhongqiu Wang, Caohui Gan, Ping He, Yihuai Liang, 
Taiyi Jin, Guoying Zhu

5) The influence of disuse on bone microstructure and mechanics assessed 
by HR-pQCT
Original Research Article,
Available online 3 March 2014
Galateia J. Kazakia, Willy Tjong, Jasmine A. Nirody, Andrew J. 
Burghardt, Julio Carballido-Gamio, Janina M. Patsch, Thomas Link, Brian 
T. Feeley, C. Benjamin Ma

6) Beneficial effects of a N-terminally modified GIP agonist on 
tissue-level bone material properties
Original Research Article,
Available online 1 March 2014
Guillaume Mabilleau, Aleksandra Mieczkowska, Nigel Irwin, Yannick Simon, 
Maurice Audran, Peter R. Flatt, Daniel Chappard

7) Type VII collagen is enriched in the enamel organic matrix associated 
with the dentin–enamel junction of mature human teeth
Original Research Article,
Available online 1 March 2014
Jacob D. McGuire, Mary P. Walker, Ahmad Mousa, Yong Wang, Jeff P. Gorski

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