[Ortho] The Knee: Alert 4 March-10 March

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Вт Мар 11 03:20:34 YEKT 2014

New articles in The Knee available on ScienceDirect

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*  The Knee
    New Articles in Press, 4 March-10 March 2014


1) Double Bundle PCL Reconstruction Using Autogenous Quadriceps Tendon 
and Semitendinous Graft: Surgical Technique with Two-Year Follow-up 
Clinical Results
Original Research Article,
Available online 5 March 2014
Ricardo de Paula Leite Cury, Marcos Barbieri Mestriner, Camila Cohen 
Kaleka, Nilson Roberto Severino, Victor Marques de Oliveira, Osmar Pedro 
Arbix Camargo

2) Letter to the Editor
Available online 5 March 2014
Thomas Joyce, David Deehan

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