[Ortho] Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics - April/May 2014 - Volume 34 - Issue 3

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Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics



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	Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 	
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics
April/May 2014 - Volume 34 - Issue 3
pp: 231-368,e5-e5
View Contributor Index

Review Article


Current State of Pediatric Orthopaedic Disaster Response
Kelly, Derek M.; Heyworth, Benton E.; Kruse, Richard W.; Edmonds, Eric W.;
VanderHave, Kelly L.; Podeszwa, David A.; Talwalkar, Vishwas R.; Warner, 
C. Jr; Gordon, J. Eric; Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America 
Trauma and Prevention Committee 2011-2012
A Classification of Growth Friendly Spine Implants
Skaggs, David L.; Akbarnia, Behrooz A.; Flynn, John M.; Myung, Karen S.;
Sponseller, Paul D.; Vitale, Michael G.; Approved by the Chest Wall and 
Deformity Study Group, the Growing Spine Study Group, Pediatric Orthopaedic
Society of North America and the Scol

Original Articles


Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Physeal Injury: 
Reliability and
Clinical Utility
Lurie, Brett; Koff, Matthew F.; Shah, Parina; Feldmann, Eric James; 
Nadja; Downey-Zayas, Timothy; Green, Daniel; Potter, Hollis G.
Is There Still a Place for Cast Wedging in Pediatric Forearm Fractures?
Samora, Julie Balch; Klingele, Kevin E.; Beebe, Allan C.; Kean, John R.; 
Jan; Beran, Matthew C.; Willis, Leisel M.; Yin, Han; Samora, Walter P.
Treatment of Posttraumatic Cubitus Varus With Corrective Supracondylar 
Osteotomies Using the Methyl Methacrylate External Fixator
Acar, Mehmet A.; Yildirim, Serhat; Elmadag, Nuh M.; Senaran, Hakan; 
Ogun, Tunc C.
Open Surgical Treatment of Femoroacetabular Impingement in Adolescent 
Preliminary Report on Improvement of Physical Activity Level
Novais, Eduardo N.; Heyworth, Benton E.; Stamoulis, Caterina; Sullivan, 
Millis, Michael B.; Kim, Young-Jo
Proximal Femoral Resection for the Painful Dislocated Hip in Cerebral 
Does Indomethacin Prevent Heterotopic Ossification?
Dartnell, Jo; H. Paterson, J. Mark; Magill, Nicholas; Norman-Taylor, Fabian
Improving Diagnostic Efficiency: Analysis of Pelvic MRI Versus Emergency 
Aspiration for Suspected Hip Sepsis
Gottschalk, Hilton P.; Moor, Molly A.; Muhamad, Abd R.; Wenger, Dennis R.;
Yaszay, Burt
Osteochondromas After Radiation for Pediatric Malignancies: A Role for 
Counseling for Skeletal Side Effects
King, Elizabeth A.; Hanauer, David A.; Choi, Sung Won; Jong, Nahbee; 
Daniel A.; Li, Ying; Farley, Frances A.; Caird, Michelle S.
Correction of Lower Extremity Angular Deformities in Skeletal Dysplasia 
Hemiepiphysiodesis: A Preliminary Report
Yilmaz, Guney; Oto, Murat; Thabet, Ahmed M.; Rogers, Kenneth J.; Anticevic,
Darko; Thacker, Mihir M.; Mackenzie, William G.
Central Polydactyly of the Foot: Surgical Management With Plantar and 
Advancement Flaps
Osborn, Emily J.; Davids, Jon R.; Leffler, Lauren C.; Gibson, Thomas W.; 
Linda I.
Intraobserver and Interobserver Reliability and the Role of Fracture 
in Classifying Femoral Shaft Fractures in Young Children
Thompson, Norfleet B.; Kelly, Derek M.; Warner, William C. Jr; Rush, 
Jeremy K.;
Moisan, Alice; Hanna, W. Rick Jr; Beaty, James H.; Spence, David D.; 
Jeffrey R.
The Value of Interpretation of Intraoperative Fluoroscopy by 
Radiologists During
Pediatric Fracture Treatment
Parikh, Shital N.; d’Heurle, Albert; Eismann, Emily A.; Cornwall, Roger
Outcome Measures of Microsurgical Toe Transfers for Reconstruction of 
and Traumatic Hand Anomalies
Kaplan, Jesse D.; Jones, Neil F.

Original Article


Safety and Efficacy of Instrumented Convex Growth Arrest in Treatment of
Congenital Scoliosis
Demirkiran, Gokhan; Yilmaz, Güney; Kaymaz, Burak; Akel, Ibrahim; Ayvaz, 
Acaroglu, Emre; Alanay, Ahmet; Yazici, Muharrem
Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pericapsular Pyomyositis of 
the Hip in
Mignemi, Megan E.; Menge, Travis J.; Cole, Heather A.; Mencio, Gregory A.;
Martus, Jeffrey E.; Lovejoy, Stephen; Stutz, Christopher M.; Schoenecker,
Jonathan G.

Case Report


A Pediatric Case of Single-level Idiopathic Cervical Intervertebral Disk
Calcification With Symptom Relapse 1 Year After Initial Onset
Sasagawa, Takeshi; Hashimoto, Fumio; Nakamura, Takuya; Maruhasi, Yoshinobu;
Matsumoto, Naoyuki; Segawa, Takeshi; Yamamoto, Daiki; Goshima, Kenichi;
Murakami, Hideki; Tsuchiya, Hiroyuki



Medial Approach for Drainage of the Obturator Musculature in Children
Menge, Travis J.; Cole, Heather A.; Mignemi, Megan E.; Corn, William C.; 
Jeffrey E.; Lovejoy, Steven A.; Stutz, Christopher M.; Mencio, Gregory A.;
Schoenecker, Jonathan G.
Ewing Sarcoma of the Acetabulum in Children: A “Growth Plate–based” 
Sales de Gauzy, Jérôme; Lafontan, Valérie; Urseï, Monica; Accadbled, Franck

Letter to the Editor


The Broken Screw Dilemma
Stevens, Peter M.

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the official complete table of contents, please navigate your web 
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