[Ortho] Injury: Alert 11 March-17 March

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Пн Мар 17 15:20:23 YEKT 2014

New articles in Injury available on ScienceDirect

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*  Injury
    New Articles in Press, 11 March-17 March 2014


1) Sphingosine kinase 1 improves cutaneous wound healing in diabetic rats
Original Research Article,
Available online 12 March 2014
Hongyang Yu, Lizhen Yuan, Mingbo Xu, Zhenqing Zhang, Haifeng Duan

2) Comparison of lateral and posterior surgical approach in management 
of extra-articular distal humeral shaft fractures
Original Research Article,
Available online 12 March 2014
Peng Yin, Lihai Zhang, Zhi Mao, Yanpeng Zhao, Qun Zhang, Sheng Tao, 
Xiangdang Liang, Hao Zhang, Houchen Lv, Tongtong Li, Peifu Tang

3) A Procedural Check List for Pleural Decompression and Intercostal 
Catheter Insertion for Adult Major Trauma
Original Research Article,
Available online 12 March 2014
M. Anderson, M. Fitzgerald, K. Martin, M. Santamaria, S. Arendse, G. 
O‘Reilly, de V. Smit, U. Orda, S. Marasco

4) Proliferation of ASC-derived endothelial cells in a 3D electrospun 
mesh: Impact of bone-biomimetic nanocomposite and co-culture with 
ASC-derived osteoblasts
Original Research Article,
Available online 12 March 2014
Shuping Gao, Maurizio Calcagni, Manfred Welti, Sonja Hemmi, Nora Hild, 
Wendelin J. Stark, Gabriella Meier Bürgisser, Guido A. Wanner, Paolo 
Cinelli, Johanna Buschmann

5) The outcome of patients sustaining a proximal femur fracture who 
suffer from alcohol dependency
Original Research Article,
Available online 12 March 2014
R. Faroug, S. Amanat, M. Ockendon, S.V. Shah, J.J. Gregory

6) An Assessment of the Inter-rater Reliability of the ASA Physical 
Status Score in the Orthopaedic Trauma Population
Original Research Article,
Available online 11 March 2014
Rivka C. Ihejirika, Rachel V. Thakore, Vasanth Sathiyakumar, Jesse M. 
Ehrenfeld, William T. Obremskey, Manish K. Sethi

7) Patients with hip fracture admitted to critical care: epidemiology, 
interventions and outcome
Original Research Article,
Available online 11 March 2014
Alistair A. Gibson, Alasdair W. Hay, David C. Ray

8) A prospective look at the burden of sharps injuries and splashes 
among trauma health care workers in developing countries: true picture 
or tip of iceberg
Original Research Article,
Available online 11 March 2014
Nonika Rajkumari, B.T. Thanbuana, Nibu Varghese John, Jacinta Gunjiyal, 
Purva Mathur, Mahesh Chandra Misra

9) Biomechanical Evaluation of Fracture Fixation Constructs Using a 
Variable-Angle Locked Periprosthetic Femur Plate System
Original Research Article,
Available online 11 March 2014
Martin F. Hoffmann, Travis A. Burgers, James J. Mason, Bart O. Williams, 
Debra L. Sietsema, Clifford B. Jones

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