[Ortho] Injury: Alert 25 March-31 March

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Пн Мар 31 17:51:45 YEKST 2014

New articles in Injury available on ScienceDirect

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*  Injury
    New Articles in Press, 25 March-31 March 2014


1) Enhanced Casualty Care from a Global Military Orthopaedic 
Teleconsultation Program
Original Research Article,
Available online 28 March 2014
Brian R. Waterman, Matthew D. Laughlin, Philip J. Belmont Jr, Andrew J. 
Schoenfeld, Mark P. Pallis

2) Patient Preferences and Acceptable Risk for Computed Tomography in Trauma
Original Research Article,
Available online 27 March 2014
Robert M. Rodriguez, Tarann M. Henderson, Anne M. Ritchie, Mark I. 
Langdorf, Ali S. Raja, Eric Silverman, Joelle Schlang, Bryan Sloane, 
Clare E. Ronan, Craig L. Anderson, Brigitte M. Baumann

3) Mortality in Cancer Patients after a Fall-Related Injury: The Impact 
of Cancer Spread and Type
Original Research Article,
Available online 27 March 2014
April Toomey, Lee Friedman

4) Corrigendum to “The exclusive use of coagulation factor concentrates 
enables reversal of coagulopathy and decreases transfusion rates in 
patients with major blunt trauma” [Injury 44 (2) (2013) 209–216]
Available online 27 March 2014
Petra Innerhofer, Isabella Westermann, Helmuth Tauber, Robert Breitkopf, 
Dietmar Fries, Tobias Kastenberger, Rene El Attal, Alexander Strasak, 
Markus Mittermayr

5) Policy encouraging earlier hip fracture surgery can decrease the 
long-term mortality of elderly patients
Original Research Article,
Available online 27 March 2014
Kobi Peleg, Michael Rozenfeld, Irina Radomislensky, Ilya Novikov, 
Laurence S. Freedman, Avi Israeli

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