Re: Нестабильность локтевого сустава
послал Dr. Shmuel Luboshitz 20 Май 2002, 16:01
I would suggest to take in consideration the possibility of having damaged both MCL and Lateral ulnar coll. ligaments as otherwise I could not explain the medial shift of the ulna (how about varus stress under fluoroscopy ? ),
thus I would consider now the reconstruction of both ligaments located at isometric points (I do not think you'll find now any substance to suture
primarily) and start immediate motion under dynamic ex. fix. protection for 3-4 weeks and than hinged splint for another 2 mo; or if your reconstruction is strong enough (Palmaris longus or semimembranosus) augmented with synthetic heavy suture - ticron 5) one should be satisfied with the protection of an hinged splint too for three months.
Good luck
Dr. Shmuel Luboshitz
Orthopedic & Hand Surgeon
Head of Hand Surgery Unit
Hillel-Yaffe Hosp.
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