Re: Нестабильность локтевого сустава
послал Thomas A. DeCoster 21 Май 2002, 08:42
For recurrent elbow dislocation I suggest:
1. Scrutinize the radiograph carefully for avulsion fractures and repair them.
2. Assess for tendon avulsion.
3. Exam under anesthesion with assessment of MCL and LCL
4. Document stable ROM after initial reduction and try to stay within that range postop. Presumably this was done and the patient still re-dislocated. So repair the ligaments that are torn.
5. Medially there are 3 components but the anterior band is most important and is usually torn from the humerus. Reattach it with drill holes or suture anchor.
6. Laterally there are 4 components with the lateral humeral-ulna most important; again usually avulsed as a sleeve from the humerus and reattach the whole complex with drill holes or suture anchor.
7. If still unstable then articulated XF. Olganesen had a ring frame decades ago.
8. Commonly fractures participate in the instability(avulsions, proximal radius, coronoid, olecrenon,...) and need fixation; although not appearant in your case.
Tom DeCoster
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