Re: Застарелый вывих пальца
послал Minoo Patel 12 Июнь 2002, 10:03
This is a palmar dislocation. The main impediments to reduction would be the dorsal structures - EPB, EPL, APL. (Patel M, Dave J. Dislocations of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb. Jr Hand Surg. (Br & Eur) 22-B; 4:
499-504) The sesamoids are seen close to the proximal phalanx, which suggests that the volar plate is intact apart from being pulled off the weak accordian attachment to the metacarpal head. I would suggest a lateral approach which would allow you to go both dorsal and palmar. Reduction, debridement of the arthrofibrosis and pinning (will give a stiff but stable MCP. One might be tempted to try dynamic ex-fix with early mobilisation to get some mobility.
Minoo Patel MD FRACS
Hand and Upper Limb Surgeon
Sr Lecturer Monash University
Melbourne Australia
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