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Re: Ятрогенный перелом
Alexander Chelnokov 18 Июнь 2003, 20:47
DTIG> use an awl and find your way with oscillating movements


DTIG> making the entry hole got extended during the nail entry with the
DTIG> nail impacting on the posterior cortex.

Hmmm... I didn't think of that. The nail was inserted manually for first 10-12 cm., and only further a hammer was used.

DTIG> oblique screws or even a small plate could be considered. I feel
DTIG> any of these fixations may not be adequate to mobilse the knee

I suppose combination of external and minimal internal fixation would allow to mobilize the knee as well as partial WB.

DTIG> Do let us know what you have done.Best of luck.

I applied a simple Ilizarov frame, and after reduction inserted a locking screw into a 45 degree hole and two AP screws "miss a nail".
X-rays attached.
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    Re: Ятрогенный перелом
    James Carr 18 Июнь 2003, 20:53
    Nice bailout Alex. One cause of proximal fracture in addition to starting too distal is extending the knee during insertion. This can lever the nail against the femur. There are jigs to do full extension nailing with a more lateral starting point- I have not personally used them. Jim Carr

    James B. Carr, MD
    Palmetto Health Orthopedics
    5 Medical Park Drive
    2 West
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