Re: Анте- или ретроградно?
послал Alexander Chelnokov 26 Август 2003, 02:28
EKTE> You did not tell us what was the reason to have circular ExFx frame on at
EKTE> the first place: any problems with soft tissues, any fractures around hip
I suppose closed nailing was not available there, so they preferred ex-fix rather than open plating or plaster cast.
EKTE> In general, it is risky (intramedullary infection) to have IM nail after
EKTE> pins transfixing the bone longer than 1-2 weeks (especially if it was any
Our series of ex-fix to nail conversion now consist of more than 30 cases, and about 15 were acute conversion of fixators 3-11 months old with calm pin sites - no infection to date (knock-knock).
EKTE> Retrograde mostly if: distal fcatures, bilateral femur fractures, need for
Also ipsilateral femur+tibia. But AFAIR some colleagues in the list told about more excessive use of retrograde nails...
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