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Re: Анте- или ретроградно?
V.M. Iyer 26 Август 2003, 18:08
I would certainly prefer an antegrade interlocking nail for the obvious reason. The proximal fragment will need reaming and can be done better from the pyriformis fossa than from below. From below means one has to go across the middle commin fragment, enter the prox fragment and then ream. There is n question of tossing a coin.
I presume you will take the precautions regarding the pin tracts of Iliz fixator

Dr V M Iyer

Iyer Orthopaedic centre Solapur India
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    Re: Анте- или ретроградно?
    Alexander Chelnokov 27 Август 2003, 10:06
    OK, since voting was 5:0 for antegrade, the case has just been managed this way. Fixator appeared to be in malrotation about 40 degrees. Though some difficulties were met with gainig of proper length and pushing the nail beetwen parts of the comminuted fragment, the result seems satisfactory. THX!
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    • Re: Анте- или ретроградно?
      Отправитель: V. M. Iyer 27 Август 2003, 18:25
      I would like to know if 1) the proximal fragment was reamed, 2) which nail was used solid or cannulated and the size? 3) were you not worried about the potential for infection while doing nailing straightaway on removal of the fixator, 4) why not post the postop Xray.

      V M Iyer
      . Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
      103,Railway lines Solapur.413001.

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