Весь тред
Re: Огнестрельный перелом луча
Bryan Neal 16 Март 2004, 17:26
Thanks for the note.
Plating, I think, would give a more rigid contruct than IM nail. Plating also allows for nerve exploration and bone grafting, all at the same time. IM nailing certainly would allow closed treatment but it is possible that one is not
able to obtain intramedullary placement of a rod without actually opening.
Sometimes I have placed a IM rod in the radius shaft and found the contour actual distracted the fracture site. IM rod is an option although I would not use it.
The BMP (Bone Morphogenic Protein) is a synthetic growth factor to stimulate bone growth. Very expensive, $5,000 for small amount. very new. I have used only twice.
Good luck.