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Re: Огнестрельный перелом луча
Krunoslav Margić 18 Март 2004, 08:01
seems that the long flexor of thumb is involved too. Is there any function of extensor tendons? There is very usable proximal end of radial artery. In your case I would plan to reconstruct all possible tissues in one session: serratus anterior free graft with segment of scapular margin and accompanying nerve for vascularized nerve graft (augmented with superficial radial nerve and suralis grafts). If there is a great defect on dorsal side a segment of latissimus dorsi can be added on same pedicle. Tendons can be grafted in the same procedure or silicon зrostheses inserted for later grafting.

Prim. dr. Krunoslav Margić,
Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery
General hospital
SI-5290 Sempeter pri Gorici
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    Re: Огнестрельный перелом луча
    Evgueny Tchekashkine 18 Март 2004, 22:17
    Hello Dr. Krunoslav,

    Reconstructive surgery you suggest is technically demanding procedure with unfortunately not 100% successful outcome.
    I spoke to our plastic surgeons not about this particular case but about general conception of bone-muscular-arterial grafting of distal limb bone defects and their comments looked like too much efforts for a little success. What is your success rate in such kind of reconstructions and how routinely do you perform it? What type of graft fixation will you choose?

    Thank you in advance for your reply,
    Kind regards,
    Evgueny Tchekashkine
    orth.dept. WCH
    Windhoek Namibia
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