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Re: Рефрактура?
Krunoslav.Margic 25 Октябрь 2004, 08:05
What term will you suggest for a teenager patient who in April every second year comes with the same fracture at the same place (transverse fracture of the diaphysis of fifth metacarpal: 2000,2002,2004)?
Krunoslav Margic

Prim. dr. Krunoslav Margić,
Department of plastic and reconstructive surgery
General hospital
SI-5290 Sempeter pri Gorici
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    Re: Рефрактура?
    V. M. Iyer 25 Октябрь 2004, 19:59
    " Biannual habitual fracture" !!!
    V M Iyer
    . Iyer Orthopaedic Centre,
    103,Railway lines Solapur India.
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    Re: Рефрактура?
    John Wood 25 Октябрь 2004, 20:00
    Unlucky! Is the patient very atheletic? A long jumper is more at risk of repeat fracture.
    Is it a midshaft or a metaphyseal/diaphyseal (Jones type) of the base as these have a high rate of non-union in the athelete and require ORIF. I assume that a metabolic bone disease has been excluded is this correct? Are there any x-rays

    John Wood
    London UK

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    Re: Рефрактура?
    John Wood 25 Октябрь 2004, 20:05
    Sorry forgot to ask for mechanism of injury
    John Wood

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