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Re: Open supracondylar femur fx
Alexander Chelnokov 31 Октябрь 2004, 20:44

And why LISS is superior here than nail?
Look what we would have done.

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    Re: Open supracondylar femur fx
    Zsolt Balogh 31 Октябрь 2004, 20:46
    I would not say that the LISS is superior to the nail. If I would, I had not post original mail. I wanted to generate discussion. Your option is a very viable one. I feel a little bit shaky the distal femur, but it is just gut feeling no science behind it. Any way nice fixation, congarts!

    Best regards,

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    • Re: Open supracondylar femur fx
      Отправитель: Alexander Chelnokov 31 Октябрь 2004, 20:55
      ZB> would, I had not post mail original mail. I wanted to generate
      ZB> discussion.

      Hope it will be.

      ZB> Your option is a very viable one. I feel a little bit shaky
      ZB> the distal femur, but it is just gut feeling no science behind it.

      What do you mean?

      ZB> Any way nice fixation, congarts!

      Same to you ;-))
      I presented the series at EuroTrauma in May. The "Distal Femur" section of the meeting was very interesting.

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