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Re: total knee replacement
Anton Vakulenko 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:36
Cefuroxime could be manually mixed with cement. In fact, many surgeons do so. But I wonder how it would (or wouldn't) change mechanical properties of cement? And how the heat during polymerization would
change antimicrobial activity of cefuroxime?

Sincerely yours,
Anton V. Vakulenko
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    Re: total knee replacement
    HARPAL SINGH SELHI 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:37
    it does not change the antimicrobial activity of the cefuroxime but destroys the molecule as
    this molecule is not heat stable.

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    • Re: total knee replacement
      Отправитель: Anton Vakulenko 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:38
      In other words, if molecules of cefuroxime (or any other heat unstable antibiotic) are destroyed by heat then its antimicrobial activity disappears.

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      • Re: total knee replacement
        Отправитель: HARPAL SINGH SELHI 03 Декабрь 2004, 03:38
        of course, if the molecule does not exist how can it have its properties!!!!!!!


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