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Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
Mangal Parihar 16 Апрель 2005, 09:57
as the joke about george bernard shaw goes

"A strange lady giving an address in Zurich wrote him [Shaw] a proposal, thus: `You have the greatest brain in the world, and I have the most beautiful body; so we ought to produce the most perfect child.' Shaw asked: `What if the child inherits my body and your brains?' "

One could land up combining the pitfalls and avoiding the benefits of both techniques.....

Just Kidding

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    Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
    Alexander Chelnokov 16 Апрель 2005, 10:54
    Each joke contains some part of joke...
    At least we can expect short duration of ex-fix and smooth nailing without troubles of acute reduction.
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