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Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
Alexander Chelnokov 16 Апрель 2005, 10:57
AFAIK the option had been discussed at the peak of problems and if it was refused when persistent wound/infection were obious, i see no sense to return to the offer of amputation now in much more calm conditions. Even if option of high quality prosthesis would be available.
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    Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
    Zeev Glozman 17 Апрель 2005, 12:12
    Probably it is not the place for me to talk being the most junior guy (not even a full MD yet), but I would like to ask a few questions:
    1. Whats her currenty ankle condition ?
    2. Is there any ROM in it ?
    3. Would arthordesis be an option ?
    If it is, why can not this be done with a retrograde nail such as a versa nail, for tripple
    arthrodesis? some bone graft may be some resection and shortening?
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