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Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
Nuno Craveiro Lopes 27 Апрель 2005, 02:10

> In attachment - x-rays at the end of alignment, the surgery, and
> result. The nail was cut to 23 cm. Four 45 degree holes were
> pre-drilled at the distal nail tip. The nail was locked statically
> after some impaction.

Amazing! How can you find the pathway of the nail through all those wires and the distal screws through so much hardware?
Deep infection rate must be high...

> Dynamization is considered in 8 weeks. Any

If you dynamise before regenerate maturation, d'ont you loose lenght?

Best regards,

Nuno Craveiro Lopes
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    Re: Еще несращение distal tibia
    Alexander Chelnokov 27 Апрель 2005, 02:57
    NL> Amazing! How can you find the pathway of the nail through all those wires
    NL> and the distal screws through so much hardware?

    Some wires were intentionally inserted to leave needed space for the nail, some were removed at the moment of nail insertion. I inserted one distal screw and then removed the frame, then inserted rest ones.

    NL> Deep infection rate must be high...

    Why? There were no signs of infection and ex-fix has been in place for only 2 weeks.

    NL> If you dynamise before regenerate maturation, d'ont you loose lenght?

    Sure. Frankly speaking the target was just functional stable aligned limb regardless of shortening. I don't expect regenerate appearance, but what if i am wrong? If the bonus appears in the gap, we'll give it 2 month to mature. Anyway x-rays will be taken prior screw removal so dynamization can be postponed if necessary.
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