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Re: Перелом предплечья
Rajesh 16 Август 2005, 09:36
Good technique, but in comminuted / segmental #s like this ,isn't it better to lock statically at both ends? I would be concerned about possible rotation.I dont have any experience with closed nailing of forearm though. Is he going to be in a cast for 6 weeks?


Consultant Upper Limb Surgeon,
Division of Upper Limb & Joint Replacement Surgery.
Cosmopolitan Hospital,
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    Re: Перелом предплечья
    Alexander Chelnokov 20 Август 2005, 16:35
    R> Good technique, but in comminuted / segmental #s like this ,isn't it better
    R> to lock statically at both ends? I would be concerned about possible
    R> rotation.

    The nail is a bit more bent so it has also 3-point elastic fixation. Also bone ends are in contact and will allow rotation only in distraction and not in the current position.

    R> Is he going to be in a cast for 6 weeks?

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