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Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
Mr Theophilus Asumu 22 Май 2006, 23:56

It is often a problem nailing upper tibial fractures. There is a tendency to apex anterior angulation as well as valgus alignment. Your entry point on the AP view seems to have been kept the same. How did you manage to maintain alignment? Any intra-operative pictures of your technique?

The lateral view shows your entry point to be quite posterior and I think this is recommended to avoid anterior angulation. Were you concerned about intra-articular penetration?

Overall an excellent post-op x-ray. Well done.

Mr Theophilus Asumu
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
United Kingdom

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    Re: Проксимальный и дистальный переломы tibia
    Alexander Chelnokov 24 Май 2006, 00:15
    MTA> to apex anterior angulation as well as valgus alignment.

    This is specific for the conventional nailing technique.

    MTA> Your entry point on the AP view seems to have been kept the
    MTA> same.

    And it could be even more medial.

    MTA> How did you manage to maintain alignment? Any
    MTA> intra-operative pictures of your technique?

    As i mentioned a small wire distractor was used. In common upper fractures it is enough to insert 2 frontal wires to the proximal fragment - one in the upper posterior aspect of the tibia and the second anteriorly and a bit more distally. The technique allows to avoid such known tricks like more lateral entry point, semi-extended knee, extended approach, using of bone clamps, plating with monocortical screws etc.
    In this particlar case 4 frontal wires were inserted in anterior and posterior aspects at both sides of proximal fracture, and fixed to a single half ring with some bend to provide compression with wire tension. Image attached.

    MTA> The lateral view shows your entry point to be quite posterior and
    MTA> I think this is recommended to avoid anterior angulation. Were
    MTA> you concerned about intra-articular penetration?

    You are absolutely right, and the entry point could be more anterior without the risk of angulation. This a bit posterior placement was caused by the proximal anterior wire. No obvious problem with the knee though.
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