Re: Нелеченный перелом вертлужной впадины
послал Chip Routt 24 Март 2007, 21:05
The joint is non-concentric as the head appears to be either "following the caudal segment", or the dome component is displaced from the tethered head... or so it seems... and he's young... so, many fracture surgeons would recommend reduction and fixation.
So we must decide preoperatively which part is the displaced segment?
It's difficult to know from these few selected images which component of the injury (was before and now) should be deemed the "soon to be mobile"
segment. It's my best guess that it is the caudal portion and there exists a healing fracture line somewhere thru the posterior column...one image
suggests it. If true, its early healing/union should be disrupted, and the resultant fragment mobility then allows accurate reduction.
Such work is not always possible using a single exposure... it's not unreasonable to first access the healed zone and osteotomize it using one direct exposure, then turning the patient if necessary to use another opposite exposure to further mobilize the fracture, reduce, clamp, and fix it.
On the other hand, some surgeons advocate an extended iliofemoral exposure for these scenarios. For a variety of reasons, I've never been much of a fan.
In summary, reduction and fixation would be good. If you have an excellent 3D brain, a quality OR fluoroscopy unit, and are slick with an osteotome and clamps thru the ilioinguinal exposure then you've made your best choice.
Remember that the symphysis is the caudal segment's "hinge" and may need destabilizing as well if it's affecting the reduction adversely.
If you have other images which cause you to decide to destabilize the posterior column fracture component using a direct or EIF exposure, then you
have better info than we can see.
Or you can just leave it... he has good dome coverage and it may be a durable hip for some time... maybe.
M.L. Chip Routt, Jr.,M.D.
Professor-Orthopedic Surgery
Harborview Medical Center
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