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Re: infected wound problem
Aharon Liberson 11 Апрель 2007, 12:51
I agree-its worth to hear about. There is no address-pity. The author does not disclose what he is up to, but there is nothing wrong in his "revisionism" I will be happy to have his address
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    Re: infected wound problem
    Alexander Chelnokov 11 Апрель 2007, 13:08
    > The author does not disclose what he is up to, but there is nothing wrong
    > his "revisionism"

    Состав "волшебного снадобья" нашел И.Кучерявый, там причудливая смесь известных компонентов.

    > I will be happy to have his address

    Внезапные решения крупных проблем, которые делаются чудаками-одиночками, этапы работы которых не публикуются в профильных журналах, о них неизвестно профессиональной аудитории - это сегодня 100% hoax.
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    • Re: infected wound problem
      Отправитель: Aharon Liberson 11 Апрель 2007, 13:09
      I would agree generally
      The only thing is that I myself agree with the author that we are in disadvantage in treating the infected cavity itself and adjuscent compromised tissues. And I do use some of new vacuum, US, Waterjet technigues as well as hyperbaric oxygen. I even once wrote an article of streptokinase application.
      We all (doctors)could do better then giving iv antibiotics and operating, sometimes too bravely for amputation.
      This is why I myself do listen before judging-be sure T. Edison got a lot of criticism before he launched his projects. I would like all interested people 2 express themselves-sometimes being a representative of "the institutuion" closes our eyes for good ideas. Lets hear him

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