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Re: Подвертельное несращение
Flavio Restrepo 30 Август 2007, 21:23
A Dimon a Hughston give you the medial continuity restauration and is a good and "easy" surgery in this case.
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    Re: Подвертельное несращение
    Jeff Brooks 30 Август 2007, 21:25

    Can you please elaborate on your suggestion?


    ESR of 48 concerns me, as does the amount of iatrogenic injury done to the blood supply of that Fx at time of initial ORIF. seems like
    infected nonunion to me. I'd get that hardware out and send good bone Cxs first & foremost. Would NOT do a THA (although she may eventually need that b/c of injury to the fem hd & 'tab cartilage).

    Jeff Brooks
    Stamford, CT
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