Re: Дистальное бедро и клинковая пластина
послал Dr T I George 04 Сентябрь 2007, 08:07
Looks like some callus response already seen suggesting that the healing
process is in progress though the X-ray alignment in AP view is not
appealing. Any open interference to improve the X-ray appearance could be a
bloody procedure and could lead to further de-vitalisation of bone. Also
shortening of 2cm in the lower limb is probably acceptable and can be easily
compensated by footwear adjustment.
May be a round about way to say that I would be inclined to accept healing
in the present position and would concentrate on intense Physiotherapy to
regain the knee movements.
Dr T I George
(Dr George T Ittoop,)
Sr Specialist, Orthopaedics,
Ibra Regional Hospital,
PO Box no: 3,
Postal code 413.
North Sharquia Region,
Sultanate of Oman.
Cell phone no: 968 95825197
Land phone no: 968 25587087
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