Re: Дистальное бедро и клинковая пластина
послал Ashish Jaiman 04 Сентябрь 2007, 22:57
Dear Alex,
I feel that there are a few problems in this case like
1. inadequate( not so rigid fixation )
2. possibility of subclinical infection (because of decreased knee ROM - REF: CAHRNLEYS BOOK ON CLOSED # TT )
3. non anatomical reduction
So, in my opinion; first get a CRP quantitative estimation- if it comes elevated than go for serial estimation within a week, if it comes within normal limits than go for surgery directly.
In both cases arrange for intra op gram staining and send tissue for culture and sensitivity.
Removal of implant, Re-reduction, bone grafting (match- stick shaped bone grafts- as they resist infection in a better way), and fixation with polyaxial distal femur locking plate (as one will not be able to get secure purchase if new screw passes through blade plate site)
one can also think of instilling antibiotic in wound before wound closure (ref campbell- antibiotics with autogenous bone graft)
What is your plan?
Dr. Ashish Jaiman
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