Re: Traumatologic history
послал Oleg Blinnikov 16 Декабрь 2007, 19:33
Dear Igor Victorovitch,
Sorry, but I will write in English.
Thanks a lot for your excellent work. Please, do not hesitate to publish the text. The most important part is a story of 2 gifted persons (Yudin and Zeno). It is already incredible that they met each other. It looks like they had the same God (Surgery) and the same Muse (Art). Zeno is mentioned in some sources as a good friend of Elías Castelnuovo, Argentinian writer (some people called him "Gorky of America"). They believed in serving the people. It was a time of social activities in Argentina under influence of USSR and people like Leon Trotsky. It would be good if you can describe this background... It might be interesting to learn more about the relationship between Zeno and other famous Argentinian surgeons like Ivanissevitch.... I think your story is not so much about technical development of traumatological science and practical skills but more about human relations. It is important to know real history of surgery in Russia and in the World.
Thanks a lot for your work,
![](http://weborto.net/forum/pics/2k7/12/http://weborto.net/forum/pics/2k7/12/Elias_Castelnuovo.pdf?preview=1) Elias_Castelnuovo.pdf, 80 Kb
![](http://weborto.net/forum/pics/2k7/12/http://weborto.net/forum/pics/2k7/12/Zeno_plastic_surgery_societiy_extract.pdf?preview=1) Zeno_plastic_surgery_societiy_extract.pdf, 185 Kb
Best regards,
Oleg Blinnikov,
Bangkok, Thailand
"La literatura la crea el pueblo. El escritor no hace más que darl e forma de libro."
"Literature is created by people. The writer does nothing but shape the book."
Elías Castelnuovo
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