Re: Контрактура локтевого сустава
послал Markushevich Michael 20 Декабрь 2007, 22:24
Dear colleguaes! I almost sure this elbow after dislocation and clouse readuction treatment.Despite pure quality of x-ray picture
I suspect small detachment fragment from coronal process.He is lucky guy that haven't instability.
In other side stiff elbow isn't happy prise in the life. In this case I would like to go to open arthrorisis(Column operation ) release anterior joint capsula and after that if you achieve range of movment good on the operation table can use physiotherapy-active assistance exersise and Univerasal elbow brace fixation. If you have not acceptable movement in the operation ( I mean in this case flexion extension 70-150 wiil be good)
I strongly recomend to use hinge solution monolateral or frame. Not necessary insert axial KW.You can use exteranal hing in the ORTHOFIX or COMPAS apparatus.
Good luck,Michael.
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