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Re: Bone stimulator?
послал Adonin 03 Июль 2008, 23:54
Invasive stimulators

Invasive electric stimulators are either fully or partially implantable. The advantage of these devices is that they apply a direct electric current to the fracture 24 hours a day. The fully implantable stimulator requires little daily attention from the patient. Patients using a semi-implanted stimulator must regulate their own treatment schedule and have to care for the external power pack. The disadvantage of implantable and semi-implantable stimulators is that their implantation is a surgical procedure.

Fully implantable direct current stimulators are installed in a hospital under general or regional anesthesia. Both the stimulator and the power source are implanted. The surgeon makes an incision and places a spiral shaped cathode inside the bone. A wire leads to the power source and a small anode. The power source is a battery pack that is implanted in the nearby muscle. The body transmits electrical current to close the circuit. The incision is then closed. Once in place, the device provides continuous direct electric current for bone growth stimulation.

Partially implanted stimulators use cathode pins that are implanted at the edge of each bone that is fractured. Wires lead to the surface of the skin where a power source and the anode are located. Wires complete the circuit. The external portion of the device is held in place by a cast. This source of stimulation also runs continuously.

Noninvasive stimulators

In the noninvasive stimulator, external electromagnetic coils are placed on either side of the fracture and are held in place by a strap or cuff. Locating the coils correctly is important, and their location relative to the fracture is usually confirmed by x rays.

The coils produce a pulsating electromagnetic field. It is up to the patient to maintain the prescribed treatment schedule. Effective treatment requires stimulation anywhere from three to ten hours each day in periods of no less than one hour.

[B]Ultrasound stimulation [/B]is the most recent treatment for stimulating bone growth. A device that generates low intensity pulses of sound is [B]applied to the skin [/B]over the fracture. The advantage of this technique is that it is noninvasive and the period of application of the sound pulses can be as short as 20-30 minutes each day. The results of this treatment have been studied less than the effect of electromagnetic stimulation.
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