Re: Перипротезный перелом
послал Sandro Reverberi 28 Декабрь 2008, 12:07
dear Alexander,
your is a fine and elegant solution.
You transformed a cemented hip prosthesis to a cementless revision hip prosthesis with a little approach.
But I have some questions:
* your nail has a point of minus resistance at the tip of femural stem and at the fulcrum of the fracture; by the time could it break?
* by the time stem and nail could reciprocally move?
* distal fixation of the nail is based near only on two screws : are they sufficient to secure a good stability before fracture consolidation?
* materials of the stem and nail (I think Iron steel in both); if they should be different (and many hip prosthesis are made by an alloy that is not the same of the nails) we could see electrolytic phenomena
So I think that your is a good idea, it can be actually good in this case, but is not sure in all cases.
I generally should prefer a long stem revision prosthesis, as that allegated.
Sandro Reverberi
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