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Re: протез или синтез?
Jose M Palomo 22 Декабрь 2012, 22:10
Dear Alex,

Well, it’s very easy critizicing others’ work sitting in front one’s computer at his home study. And I do assume it was a difficult procedure.

But if I should act as the devil’s advocate, I suppose, actually hope, the head was not totally avascular, there is some graft added, there might be either some faint impingement of the most proximal screw against the acromion or even the nail is a little proud cranial the bone ( or even the cartilage ? ). Maybe the end could be an avascular necrosis and it might be well tolerated ! Lots of bad possible outcomes and some possitive one.

In any case, you have procured yourself with the best of all possible morphologies should revision to a hemiarthroplasry is ever deemed to be done.

I wish you and your patient lots of good luck.

Jose M Palomo
Castello General Hospital
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    Re: протез или синтез?
    Maxim Agalakov 25 Декабрь 2012, 22:09
    > I suppose, actually hope, the head was not totally avascular

    -Merry Christmas!
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