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Re: post-nailing fracture
Enes Kanlic 17 Январь 2008, 12:19
If I may again:

1. Removal of the nail in elderly, frail lady is not a small procedure (timing and blood loss)

2. It is hard to do "good fixation" of distal fracture through antegrade approach.... and probably distal incision (more than just

for distal locking) would have to be made anyway (reduction, cerclage wires...).

3. Retrograde nail (small diameter in large bone) does not allow for good, stable fixation (often malalignment) and early weight bearing (I have seen the locking screws and nail cutting through the distal femur into the knee joint - in osteoporotic bone, heavy persons)

4. We could treat this fracture like there is no a nail - new locking plates allow for secure fixation.... two similar cases are attached...

5. Immediate full weight bearing after this type of fracture is in my opinion to risky - I would suggest rather minimal.... or not at all (just transfers in wheelchair for about six weeks, until some healing happens).


Enes M. Kanlic, MD, FACS

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    Re: post-nailing fracture
    Wojciech Glinkowski 18 Январь 2008, 01:37
    Dear all,

    Interesting discussion, Thx.
    Play with osteoporotic bone is always the challenge.
    Images sent by Professor Kanlic look nice, very good job. Excellent achorage in distal fragment. However, unicortical screwing or bicortical
    makes a difference, also for locked screws. Proximal fragment unicortical fixation may present stability not easlily predictable. Certainly its stability for wheelchair should be sufficient. Full weight bearing can not be mentioned for this case. If minimal bearing is allowed full weight
    single step may happen in elderly.
    Gamma nail exchange may probably fit the criteria of optimal and minimal invasivness, indeed. Removal could be relatively fast due to large intramedullary diameter seen on X-ray.
    I do agree that distal locking of the nail in distal femur remains critical.

    Best regards

    Wojciech Glinkowski
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    • Re: post-nailing fracture
      Отправитель: Marco Berlusconi 18 Январь 2008, 01:38
      Our experience with locking plates in osteoporoticbone and weight bearing is that there's no difference with a nail. the old patient start walking with crutches and 20kg weight bearing as the general conditions are good as for the nail. In this case 13 holes LISS with at least 8 cortex proximally
      best regards

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