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Re: Меронем и костный цемент
Pavel Ivanov 25 Август 2010, 23:57
Максим, возможность длительного выделения антибиотика, по сути, единственное существенное отличие спейсера от эндопротеза. Исходя из логики Вашего сообщения, можно предложить упомянутым известным эндопротезистам не использовать спейсеры, а сразу после качественного дебридмента устанавливать обычный эндопротез, который тоже будет хорошо заполнять мертвое пространство.
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    Re: Меронем и костный цемент
    Maxim Agalakov 26 Август 2010, 21:42
    так в общем и делается, в Европе, насколько я знаю более популярна тактика one stage revision, в штатах - two stage
    [ Ответить ]

    • Re: Меронем и костный цемент
      Отправитель: Maxim Agalakov 26 Август 2010, 22:24
      "In the early eighties Buchholz and coworkers published their experience in one
      stage total hip revisions. Surgery included excision of soft tissue, removal of the
      implant and cement, replacement with an appropriate prosthesis using antibiotic-
      loaded cement and systemic antibiotics. Overall success rate after ten years was 77%
      in 583 patients [5]. Hanssen and Rand could show that the use of antibiotic-loaded
      cement in one stage revisions is significantlymore successful than usual cement (suc-
      cess rate 83% vs. 60%) [25]. More recent studies showed a higher success rate in
      small series of 90.9% [6], 91.7 [7] and 100% [47]. In a literature review including 12
      E.Meani · C. Roman` o · L. Crosby · G.Hofmann (Eds.)
      Editorial Coordinator: G. Calonego
      Infection and Local Treatment
      in Orthopedic Surgery

      Интересно, что 60% излечились как-то без антибиотика

      От туда же
      One-stage Non-cemented Revision of Septic Hip
      Prosthesis Using Antibiotic-loaded Bone Graft

      All patients could be followed with a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 8
      years (mean 4,1 years). 35 (из 37) patients showed no sign of infection until the last follow up.

      Теперь уже антибиотики, но без цемента.

      Dead space management therefore represents one critical point of septic surgery.

      [ Ответить ]
      • Re: Меронем и костный цемент
        Отправитель: Maxim Agalakov 27 Август 2010, 21:13
        Despite remarkably high
        levels of antibiotics in adjacent cortical bone, the effi-
        cacy of antibiotic-impregnated cement in the treatment
        of infection at the site of a total hip arthroplasty has not
        been established with use of comparative clinical stud-
        ies, to our knowledge; however, the clinical experience
        with antibiotic-impregnated cement has been wide-
        . Several
        different factors, such as variability in the type and
        amount of antibiotic added to bone cement, proba-
        bly account for the inability to demonstrate the efficacy
        of local delivery.

        Evaluation and Treatment of Infection
        at the Site of a Total Hip or Knee Arthroplasty*†
        An Instructional Course Lecture, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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